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[波兰/三级]恶魔的教育Diabelska Edukacja-种子下载.外挂 [複製鏈接]

( x5 X, v. m; z4 M; K
+ e7 `( e/ j. Z
# E* j8 z7 @# P! }. i* H# o【影片名稱】:邪魔的性欲,在上映之初曾引起世界上关于重新认识性的反响; ~7 X3 h8 W. r& r& C' h
# M4 R7 }, h, D) B! M4 T1 @$ C$ }% I【影片時間】:30分钟" U% g! d) ^0 Q5 w- g2 F0 T8 \
. ^& I2 C. p1 G  o恶魔的教育 Diabelska edukacja (1995)+ w6 t$ A2 E  i) C" h
Diabelska edukacja# _, G+ S: }5 P! K+ K" y4 n/ Z
导演: 雅努什·马耶夫斯基) V3 D: P' D7 D" P+ H
主演: 瑞娜塔·丹斯威茨
, |  W/ Q5 b( o" L6 K) z% q类型: 短片
6 v" a7 u& K: q% c  ^/ k6 q制片国家/地区: 德国 / 波兰+ `1 @% F3 `( ?. |6 P& A
语言: 波兰语
+ @+ F8 R+ [# g2 [1 R. t上映日期: 1995-01-11# ^! I7 @$ T; [
又名: Devilish Education
' T6 y0 L+ |/ |, t5 AIMDb链接: tt0114655* D1 l9 ?) O- Y8 W. z8 d& O, J- A6 Z
恶魔的教育的剧情简介   · · · · · · + x" p6 _+ x- V  U
  19世纪波兰某偏僻的小村庄里,生活着一个天真无邪、快乐美丽的女孩歌茜娅(Renata Dancewicz 饰)。她每天负责放牧、挤奶,周而复始,一成不变。$ a4 ]# U0 c. ~: u9 {% g
  夏日的一天,歌茜娅空暇之时褪去衣衫,走入池塘洗澡。她曼妙的身姿和清纯的气息引起了一个黑衣路人(Marek Kondrat 马里克•肯德兰特 饰)的关注。第二天黑衣人再次来到河边,一笔一笔将歌茜娅优美的曲线留在了纸上。不久后两人熟捻,交谈之余黑衣人拿出前几天的画作。看到自己裸体的歌茜娅起初羞愧万分,但在黑衣人的引诱下,她开始重新认识自己的身体,体味到莫大的喜悦和乐趣……  
4 z2 [. {4 O9 } 全片贯穿莫扎特的音乐,镜头充满诗意,北欧的草原笼罩着一层金黄的色彩,辽阔而充满生机。
" e- O/ a# C( Z2 m6 J 扮演少女的演员有个不太好记的名字:马里克·肯德兰特。毫不夸张的说,她的身体简直美的发光!乳房丰满异常。当她除去衣衫的束缚,在芦苇荡中戏水时,暗喻人与自然交融,跳跃的乳房淳朴而奔放;当她裸身面对画家,她羞怯而不安,但紧张的乳房却充满被引导的渴求,这是暗喻人被文明的教化。那样的身体带着遥远的北欧野性和毫无修饰的质朴,乳房饱满似触手可及。你可以不去理解晦涩的主题,但不可以忘记波兰少女寓意深远的美丽乳房。
, G4 a' G' f1 n. S( lRenata Dancewicz in “Diabelska Edukacja” [1995 Poland, Germany]
- L0 f: d! |: x3 f1 Z9 q. SRenata Dancewicz TR HQ Diabelska Edukacja 1024x974 Renata Dancewicz in Diabelska Edukacja [1995 Poland, Germany]
; S: h: p" F- ]: VRenata Dancewicz is the ravishingly beautiful maiden sexually awakened by the Devil in the 1995 erotic film, "Diabelska Edukacja".
: I  a1 \7 q. t) a6 D. B5 g. lMy first Polish film in the blog, even if I had already introduced a Polish born director earlier, the incomparable Walerian Borowczyk.
1 f+ G2 l) G: \+ G4 ?5 kAgreed, this isn’t actually mainstream, but it is a pretty well made segment from a DVD of erotic tales produced in Germany in 1995, Janusz Majewski’s “Diabelska Edukacja” [Eng. Title: Devilish Education].
6 l6 |% I; R* @' L1 UThe film is set sometime in the 19th century. Gosia, a beautiful and innocent farm girl catches the eye of the Devil while bathing in the lake. He takes the form of a gentleman artist and befriends her by showing drawings he had made of her while she bathed. He proceeds to awaken her sexuality, and initiates her into all the essentials for becoming a distinguished lady.
: [( z8 I5 s7 b8 Z" k" ~The film is exquisitely erotic, thanks to some very good direction, editing and art direction. I almost wished it were a feature length film on its own, even though it works well as it is. Goisa is played by Renata Dancewicz, a decent enough actress, but whose physical beauty could easily drive men crazy – she’s ravishingly beautiful, and definitely worth judging for yourself." I! L6 U$ Q0 h& r
Updated 8th Sept’11:
, y. {2 n( l2 KI assumed my DVD had only the version with hard-coded English subtitles on it, and made the original compilation in the letterboxed Polish version. But I recently discovered there was a German version too in the same DVD, in full-frame and digitally remastered – the colours and detail are also much superior here. So I’ve made a new compilation (slightly longer at 9:28 mts) for those interested.3 L2 M/ _  }; ~( q* [. d
Renata Dancewicz TR HQ Remastered GER Diabelska Edukacja 1 Renata Dancewicz in Diabelska Edukacja [1995 Poland, Germany]  O# k( ?+ Z$ o) P
Renata Dancewicz TR HQ Remastered GER Diabelska Edukacja 2 Renata Dancewicz in Diabelska Edukacja [1995 Poland, Germany]! u2 r  w2 i; M" w
.. X0 h& s" h8 |# c  k( V. ?
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: [+ o) e% u: e. f2 J% O
0 b: Y6 C1 r' [! ?, H& \# m, f6 a! O* g0 `  [8 K

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' |" \, O! }6 R; z2 u' m/ c. `! e' `4 J8 x& l& B, |

6 E5 @9 s  k9 ]- H- b8 M/ [+ x
! g7 l) g- u: J& n% {! [6 @1 f
?魔的教育.torrent (15 KB, 下載次數: 469) ! W, K6 I3 x) g  T0 L4 a8 ~% L3 [# |

+ O- M3 S& M& N* V; s Diabelska edukacja中文字幕.rar (17 KB, 下載次數: 238)
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發表於 2012-7-2 08:15:49 | 只看該作者
这个不错呀,一定要顶一下,支持一下楼主再发些这类的片子 [s:2]
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發表於 2012-7-8 11:48:18 | 只看該作者

回復樓主 親!! 現在是後半夜!妳失眠啦?餓啦?通宵加班?還是想WK啦?

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