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[英文] 关于励志英语美文美句:Peter Jackson's Acceptance Speech on the 76th Academy Awards [複製鏈接]

关于励志英语美文美句:Peter Jackson's Acceptance Speech on the 76th Academy Awards  
" E7 M4 c9 `# R9 u; B8 Z彼得·杰克逊在第76届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上的演讲
0 j8 ?7 y( w* h( ^( d3 j, C( F- u& Q/ H5 I0 D

% |, e& b) i$ j- b# M, `  Wow. Thank you so much to the Academy and you're giving us an incredibly overwhelming night. We just appreciate it so much., I! D- S7 k7 w2 \* }' @$ T
0 ~$ g7 }5 l, V3 |  Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne, God you did the most risky thing that I think anyone has ever done in this industry, and I'm so happy for you that it paid off. Your collaboration and your partnership and your support just gave me the most incredible working experience of my life. To Barrie Osborne, our producer, thank you so much, Barrie, for just being there every day and supporting us. To a wonderful cast, and a wonderful crew in New Zealand, everybody that made my working days so enjoyable. It was just there when I needed it to be there.9 M. F: C8 ^% c6 G
( V6 W! X- w( Q5 X" B" i( z  And the actors were just doing such a wonderful job. And I just want to that two very special people that when I was 8 years old I made films at home on a super-8 camera that my mum and dad had bought for me. And they supported me all through the years. And they died in the last few years. They didn't see these films made. So for Bill and Joan, thank you. Thank you.
8 M5 @4 a2 }6 l: T1 R  A: E  演员们的表演很出色,我只想感谢两位特殊人物:还在我8岁的时候,我就开始在家用超级8老相机拍电影玩,那是我父母给我购买的。多年来,他们一直支持我投入电影事业。可不幸的是,他们双双在过去几年去世了。他们没能看到我导演的这些电影,所以,为了贝尔和琼,我要说"谢谢你们,谢谢! "* I4 f/ x0 q  g0 _. W6 {& }

: s' t5 ]  y* A3 O
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